Study Room

November 15th, 2020Study Room
Japanese Etiquette For Tourists
1. Don’t Walk and Eat
Generally, drinking or eating while walking is frowned ...
March 17th, 2018Study Room
Khutbah of March 16th: What is success?
This khutbah can be downloaded here.
*Only Japanese version is ...
March 11th, 2018Study Room
Khutbah of March 9th: Is there an arrogant muslim?
This khutbah can be downloaded here.
*Only Japanese version...
February 24th, 2018Study Room
Khutbah of February 24th: A muslim is like a date palm tree?
This khutbah can be downloaded here.
Jummah 23.02.2018ムスリムはナツメヤシ
February 17th, 2018Study Room
Khutbah of February 16th: The meaning of tawheed
This khutbah can be downloaded here.
*Only Japanese version is...