December 23rd, 2016This Week's Khutbah


Allah has created everything in couples. Allah says


ومن كل شيء خلقنا زوجين اثنين لعلكم تذكرون

We have created everything in couples, You should think that.

For ex: Men & women, short & long,  sun & moon, hot & cold, black & white, love & hate.

So before, I talked about some qualities ALLAH loves.

We should thank ALLAH swt for giving us a chance to remember the qualities.الحمد لله,now in this speech, to take a balance I would like to talk about some qualities Allah hates.

I like to go through some verses from Al- Quran , Allah says, in sura al Baqara v.90.

وان الله لا يحب المعتدين

Allah does not like those who transgress.

For example, when someone hits you, you have a rights to hit back But someone hits you and you kill him, or someone hits you once, and you hit him twice that is transgression.

May Allah protect us! we should think the day of judgement.What'll happen to me if I transgress.

قال النبي صل الله لتءدن الحقوق ال اهلها يوم القيامة حتى يقاد للشاة الجلحاء من الشاة القرناء

رسول الله said, Truly, everyone will get his rights on the day of judgement, even the wrong done to a hornless goat by a horned goat will be redressed.

If in a goat, what about us? You need to understand that you have no rights to hit twice when you get hit once. If you forgive him, it is better for you.

Because when you forgive, Allah looks that quality in you. Allah says I see forgiveness in your heart. I’m better than you. I’m ghafr (the most forgiving). So I am forgiving all your sins and sending you to the paradise.

My dear brothers,

It’s not easy to forgive people who do wrong to you. But we need to try to improve that quality.

May Allah swt make it easy for us.

والله لا يحب الفساد

Allah does not like corruption. Corruption is a sin. Allah does not like corruption on earth.

For example, there is a man who does wrong, like drinking and not praying and He forcing others to do like him. We need to ask ourselves if we are corrupt or not.

May Allah protect us.

Then Allah says,

والله لا يحب كل كفار اثيم

Allah mentions two qualities in this ayat.

First one, Allah doesn’t like those who are ungrateful.

For kufr, in Arabic language, there are many meanings.

One of them is disbelief. Kafir, disbeliever.

Another one, ungratefulness.

Allah blesses us many things. so we must be grateful to Allah swt.

Allah says …

واذ تاذن ربك لءن شكرتم لازيدنكم

Your load publicized that If you thank, I will give you my graces more.

ولءن كفرتم ان عذابي لشيد.

If you are ungrateful, indeed my punishment is hard.

The second quality is اثيم, those who are sinful.

اثيم means continuing sins without repent to Allah.

Prophet saw said,

كل بني ادم خطاء

وخير الخطاطين التوابون

Every son Adam does mistakes, every one of us do wrong but

Best of them who repents to Allah.

Allah likes those who repent to him, just like we talked last week.

So my beloved brothers.

If you keep committing sins with no intentions in your heart to repent to Allah, then remember Allah doesn't like you. A person who drinks alcohol, a person who takes drugs, a person who gambles.

The first few times they do it and they would enjoy it.If they continue, they are far from Allah.

He is waiting for you. Turn back and go back to HIM.

He doesn't like sins. So don't be ungrateful and don't be sinful.

May Allah swt help us.

And Allah says in Surah  Al Imran v.57

والله لا يحب الظالمين

Allah doesn't like those who oppress.

What is the meaning of ظلم oppress?

In the Arabic language

وضع الشيء في غير محله ظلم

To put something where it should not be. That is oppress.

If we put something at a wrong place, we become people who oppress.

The biggest oppression Allah says in Surat Luqman verse 13,

ان الشرك لظلم عظيم

Indeed the shirk, partnership with Allah or join with Allah, is the biggest oppression.

In ibada, joining something else with Allah is shirk. Prophet slw said,

من صلى يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who pray salah to be seen by others. He done the shirk.

ومن صام يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who fast to be seen by others, he does shirk.

ومن تصدق يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who give sadaqa to be seen by others, he does shirk.

So you worship Allah with something else, that's dhurum.

And Allah says,

ان الله لا يحب كل مختال فخور

Allah doesn't like those who are proud. They have pride.

A Hadis explains the meaning of pride.

بطر الحق وغمة الناس

Pride has two things.

One is reject the truth.

For example, someone asks you, why you are not praying salat,?

why you are not coming to fajr, or someone says to you not to drink alcohol or smoke, it's not good in Islam.

And you return back words like, I know Islam perfectly, or you have no rights to tell me such things. Mind your own business. This is called rejecting the truth.

The other one about pride is despise.

If you want the love of Allah, don't despise others. Don't think you are a big guy, and others are smaller than you. Pride has nothing to do with quality of your clothes or your living standard.

انه لا يحب المستكبرين

So Be humble Allah will love you. May Allah protect us from proud and make us humble.

In sura Nisa v.107,

ان الله لا يحب كل خوان اثيم

Allah doesn't like those who deceive and who are sinful.

We've talked about sinfulness a moment ago.Let's talk about deception.

How many of us have  deceived our own brothers, sisters, family members and members of umma?

Don't think you are allowed to deceive a non-Muslim person. You cannot deceive any human beings.

May Allah protect us.

And Allah says,

انه لا يحب المسرفين

Allah doesn't like those who waste.

Do not be wasteful. Learn to spend correctly, which means not to be a miser nor wasteful.

Take the balance in the middle. You can buy what you need but be moderate.

For example, if you have 45 pieces of clothes in your closet, you are not using all of them. That is a waste.

If you have so many clothes you are not wearing, you should give them to people who need them.

Sometimes you have quality Allah doesn't like but if He wants to love you, do you know what He will do?

Prophet saw said,

اذا احب الله عبدا ابتلاه

When Allah loves a slave, He will test him.

Being tested. Calamities and disasters, sickness are a test for a man.

Why He tests a person? Because Allah wants him to repent.

Allah says in Surah sajadah verse 21

ولنذيقنهم من العذاب الادنى دون العذاب الاكبر لعلهم يرجعو.

Indeed we will make them taste of the penalty of this life prior to the supreme penalty, in order that they may repent and return.

Sometimes we are weak in worshipping. Then Allah tests us to become closer to Him.

However, Allah loves us. He says,

"If you come to me by walking, I will come to you by rush."

So love of Allah is always close to us. The one Who made you, the one who brought you here, the one who you have to return any moment. There are no options to stay here.

Who knows what is going to happen today?

It's only Allah who knows. When we go back to Allah, He will see what we've done, what we have brought for our never ending life.

May Allah love us all.

Allah has created everything in couples. Allah says

ومن كل شيء خلقنا زوجين اثنين لعلكم تذكرون

We have created everything in couples, You should think that.

For ex: Men & women, short & long,  sun & moon, hot & cold, black & white, love & hate.

So before, I talked about some qualities Al

LLAH loves. We should thank ALLAH swt for giving us a chance to remember the qualities.الحمد لله,now in this speech, to take a balance I would like to talk about some qualities Allah hates.

I like to go through some verses from Al- Quran , Allah says, in sura al Baqara v.90.

وان الله لا يحب المعتدين

Allah does not like those who transgress.

For example, when someone hits you, you have a rights to hit back But someone hits you and you kill him, or someone hits you once, and you hit him twice that is transgression.

May Allah protect us! we should think the day of judgement.What'll happen to me if I transgress.

قال النبي صل الله لتءدن الحقوق ال اهلها يوم القيامة حتى يقاد للشاة الجلحاء من الشاة القرناء

رسول الله said, Truly, everyone will get his rights on the day of judgement, even the wrong done to a hornless goat by a horned goat will be redressed.

If in a goat, what about us? You need to understand that you have no rights to hit twice when you get hit once. If you forgive him, it is better for you.

Because when you forgive, Allah looks that quality in you. Allah says I see forgiveness in your heart. I’m better than you. I’m ghafr (the most forgiving). So I am forgiving all your sins and sending you to the paradise.

My dear brothers,

It’s not easy to forgive people who do wrong to you. But we need to try to improve that quality.

May Allah swt make it easy for us.

والله لا يحب الفساد

Allah does not like corruption. Corruption is a sin. Allah does not like corruption on earth.

For example, there is a man who does wrong, like drinking and not praying and He forcing others to do like him. We need to ask ourselves if we are corrupt or not.

May Allah protect us.

Then Allah says,


والله لا يحب كل كفار اثيم


Allah mentions two qualities in this ayat.

First one, Allah doesn’t like those who are ungrateful.

For kufr, in Arabic language, there are many meanings.

One of them is disbelief. Kafir, disbeliever.

Another one, ungratefulness.

IAllah blesses us many things. so we must be grateful to Allah swt.

Allah says …

واذ تاذن ربك لءن شكرتم لازيدنكم

Your load publicized that If you thank, I will give you my graces more.

ولءن كفرتم ان عذابي لشيد.

If you are ungrateful, indeed my punishment is hard.

The second quality is اثيم, those who are sinful.

اثيم means continuing sins without repent to Allah.

Prophet saw said,

كل بني ادم خطاء

وخير الخطاطين التوابون

Every son Adam does mistakes, every one of us do wrong but

Best of them who repents to Allah.

Allah likes those who repent to him, just like we talked last week.

So my beloved brothers.

If you keep committing sins with no intentions in your heart to repent to Allah, then remember Allah doesn't like you. A person who drinks alcohol, a person who takes drugs, a person who gambles.

The first few times they do it and they would enjoy it.If they continue, they are far from Allah.

He is waiting for you. Turn back and go back to HIM.

He doesn't like sins. So don't be ungrateful and don't be sinful.

May Allah swt help us.

And Allah says in Surah  Al Imran v.57

والله لا يحب الظالمين

Allah doesn't like those who oppress.

What is the meaning of ظلم oppress?

In the Arabic language

وضع الشيء في غير محله ظلم

To put something where it should not be. That is oppress.

If we put something at a wrong place, we become people who oppress.

The biggest oppression Allah says in Surat Luqman verse 13,

ان الشرك لظلم عظيم

Indeed the shirk, partnership with Allah or join with Allah, is the biggest oppression.

In ibada, joining something else with Allah is shirk. Prophet slw said,

من صلى يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who pray salah to be seen by others. He done the shirk.

ومن صام يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who fast to be seen by others, he does shirk.

ومن تصدق يراءي فقد اشرك

Those who give sadaqa to be seen by others, he does shirk.

So you worship Allah with something else, that's dhurum.

And Allah says,

ان الله لا يحب كل مختال فخور

Allah doesn't like those who are proud. They have pride.

A Hadis explains the meaning of pride.

بطر الحق وغمة الناس

Pride has two things.

One is reject the truth.

For example, someone asks you, why you are not praying salat,?

why you are not coming to fajr, or someone says to you not to drink alcohol or smoke, it's not good in Islam.

And you return back words like, I know Islam perfectly, or you have no rights to tell me such things. Mind your own business. This is called rejecting the truth.

The other one about pride is despise.

If you want the love of Allah, don't despise others. Don't think you are a big guy, and others are smaller than you. Pride has nothing to do with quality of your clothes or your living standard.

انه لا يحب المستكبرين

So Be humble Allah will love you. May Allah protect us from proud and make us humble.

In sura Nisa v.107,

ان الله لا يحب كل خوان اثيم

Allah doesn't like those who deceive and who are sinful.

We've talked about sinfulness a moment ago.Let's talk about deception.

How many of us have  deceived our own brothers, sisters, family members and members of umma?

Don't think you are allowed to deceive a non-Muslim person. You cannot deceive any human beings.

May Allah protect us.

And Allah says,

انه لا يحب المسرفين

Allah doesn't like those who waste.

Do not be wasteful. Learn to spend correctly, which means not to be a miser nor wasteful.

Take the balance in the middle. You can buy what you need but be moderate.

For example, if you have 45 pieces of clothes in your closet, you are not using all of them. That is a waste.

If you have so many clothes you are not wearing, you should give them to people who need them.

Sometimes you have quality Allah doesn't like but if He wants to love you, do you know what He will do?

Prophet saw said,

اذا احب الله عبدا ابتلاه

When Allah loves a slave, He will test him.


Being tested. Calamities and disasters, sickness are a test for a man.

Why He tests a person? Because Allah wants him to repent.


Allah says in Surah sajadah verse 21

ولنذيقنهم من العذاب الادنى دون العذاب الاكبر لعلهم يرجعو.

Indeed we will make them taste of the penalty of this life prior to the supreme penalty, in order that they may repent and return.

Sometimes we are weak in worshipping. Then Allah tests us to become closer to Him.

However, Allah loves us. He says,

"If you come to me by walking, I will come to you by rush."

So love of Allah is always close to us. The one Who made you, the one who brought you here, the one who you have to return any moment. There are no options to stay here.

Who knows what is going to happen today?

It's only Allah who knows. When we go back to Allah, He will see what we've done, what we have brought for our never ending life.

May Allah love us all.


Japan Halal Foundation

Prayer Schedule


March 29, 2025 (Sat)

See the Monthly Schedule


Fajr Right after Sunna Prayer
Zuhr 12:30
Asr 04:00
Maghrib Right after azan
Isha 07:30

Friday Prayer

1st 12:05~12:30
2nd 12:40~13:05
3rd 13:15~13:40