March 5th, 2020
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters
From coming Jumuaah (3/6/2020) onwards, we will conduct 4 Jumuaahs until the coronavirus issue is settled.
The timings will be:
1st Jumuaah: 12:00 - 12:15
2nd Jumuaah: 12:25 - 12:40
3rd Jumuaah: 12:55 - 13:10
4th Jumuaah: 13:20 - 13:35
The azan, khutbah and prayer and announcement will be completed within the given time frame.
After each Jumuaah prayer, everyone must exit the masjid immediately after prayer.
We advise everyone who attend Jumuaah to already have taken their wudhu and wearing masks.
Hand sanitizers will be stationed at the entrance of the masjid. Please use it.
Please refrain from shaking hands or hugging.
To those feeling sick, coughing, having shortness of breath or having a fever, DO NOT come to the masjid. Instead, pray zuhr at home.
May Allah protect us from all diseases.
Jazaakumullahu khair for your cooperation