August 12th, 2016This Week's Khutbah

Minor Signs of the Hour (qiyama)

We praise الله جل وتعالى. We thank him.

Blessings and salvation upon Muhammad (pbuh).
We ask Allah blesses every single one of us.

Allah has given us two lives.
حياة الدنيا وحياة الآخرة
Allah speaks about this world two qualities متاع الغرور life of disappointment متاع قليل very short life, brief life. When will this short life come to an end? Allah says in Surah Luqman verse number 34:
ان الله عنده علم الساعة،
Indeed Allah is the one who has the knowledge of the hour (end of the world) evenThe Messenger of Allah صلى .

Surah al-Ahzab verse number 63:

يسءلنك عن الساعة قل إنما علمها عند الله.
People ask you when the hour is. The knowledge of it is with Allah only. You don't know. Maybe the hour is near.

In a hadeeth of صحيح البخاري والسلم and many other books of Hadeeth mention a man came to The Messenger and asked him several questions, one of which was”متى الساعة when is the hour?”
The Messenger replied:
ما المسؤول عنها بأعلم من
The one who is being asked knows no more than the one who is asking, which means it's only Allah knows when the hour shall be. So he asked another question:
وما اشراطها what are the signs of the hour? And then The Messenger of Allah صَلَّى عليه said a few signs.
There are two types of signs of قيامة: major signs and miner signs. Today I would like to talk about miner signs. we want to know these one by one because almost every single one of these signs has come to pass.
The first sign of hour: محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم was send as the final messenger.
Narrated in صحيح البخاري سهل بن سعد رضي said صلى عليه said, بعثت أنا والساعة كهاتين .
I have been sent myself and the hour is as close like these two fingers.
It means it is close to the hour.
That's why Allah says:
اقترب للناس حسابهم وهم في
Near for mankind their reckoning while they turn away in heedlessly.
Also Allah says:
انهم يرونه بعيدا ونراه قريبا
They think it's away we see it's near.

And the second hadeeth, The Messenger speaks about فتن it means thrills.
Calamities one after another they will be confusions on the earth. The Messenger said:
بادروا بالاعمال فتنا كقطع الليل المظلم يصبح الرجل مؤمنا ويمسي كافرا ويمسي مؤمنا ويصبح كافرا
You need to overtake with your good deeds like in dark nights. Which means nobody will see right from left, nobody will understand what's going on, and nobody will realize things. The only way to succeed at that time is to overtake in these فتن evil, thrills, calamities, these difficult times by doing good deeds. A believer in the morning he will do something or say something or reject a verse of the Quran. By the evening he will be a non Muslim, and a believer in the evening by the morning he will be non muslim.
May الله protect us.

اللهم بارك لنا في شامنا ويمننا oh Allah, grant us بركة in the northern part which we call فلستين، جوردان، لبنان، سريا.
ويمننا And the southern part يمن، امان، إمارة
one of the sahabas says وفي عراقنا in our عراق, what about our east? He said:
ان بها قرن الشيطان وتهيج الف
In عراق they are the horns of the devil.
And it's the place where فتن will begin.
This is reported in طبراني many years ago. There will be فتن, difficulties, calamities that started at the time of the sahib علي رضي الله عنه.
Another signs of قيامة :
استضاف المال ومنع الصدقة
There will be a lot of funds. People will become rich, and nobody will take the صدقة. If you go to the people and say “This is my zakat. Take it.” They say “No, I don't need this.”
In another hadeeth, The Messenger says:
Earthquakes will increase, and tremors will increase on the globe.

Today we see mass death.
In one narration:
لا يدري القاتل فيم قتل ولا المقتول فيم قتل
A person who's being killed won't know "Why I'm being killed", and a person killing won't know "Why I'm killing."
There are armies firing, bombing. They don't know why they are doing, killing innocent people who don't know why they are killed. These are sings of the qiyama.

Also the Weather patterns will change according to a hadeeth of The Messenger.
You will have severe winter, severe summers. You will have lots of hurricanes. You will have lots of rain, but no produce from rain.
May Allah protect us.

In another hadeeth he said:
Arabian peninsula will become green and it will blossom again.

Today we can see golf courses and gardens in the Middle East.
When The Messenger went to Tabuuq, he said:
Oh معاذ بن جبل if you live long time, you will see the entire place turning green where the well was. Subhanallah, to this day in the middle of Tabuuq there is a huge green garden.
And Allah says:
وأخرجت الارض أثقالها
In the end of the world, the earth will spit out all it's weights.
There is a hadeeth that explains this will happen in stages.
The gold of the earth will come up to the surface. The silver, all valuable stones and jems will come up to the earth. I heard that, in Zimbabwe a few years ago, there was a little tremor caused mountains to split. They found full of diamonds.
Until today they have the largest deposit of industrial diamonds.
Do you know why?
Because Allah says
هو الَذِي خلق لكم ما في الارض
He has created everything for you on the earth and in the earth. So if the earth is coming to an end, everything inside will come out for us and we use it.
And also another sign of qiyama is that there will come many people claiming they are prophets. Like you know مرزى غلام قاديانية
A narration mentions 30, in some narration more than 30.
Another sign The Messenger of Allah said:
لا يبقى من الاسلام الا اسمه
There will come a time nothing remains on Islam, only the name.
ولا يبقى من القران الا رسمه
Nothing will remain in Quran except letters.
Today we say I'm Muslim but look at your salah, look at the Halal and Haram not only food but everything in your life. There is nothing Islamic in our worship, business, society, and manners. We are only Muslims by name.
May Allah protect us. That's why The Messenger of Allah said:
اذا ضيعت الأمانة فانتظر ساعة

If trust has been lost, wait for the hour. Getting closer to the hour, there is no one who can find a person with trust. You look at people. They deceive you in your business, they don't pay the loans, and they don't do what they promised.

When authority is given to a person who is not qualified, wait for the hour.
At companies, schools, homes and countries, everywhere, you will see those unqualified people.
Also The Messenger of Allah told issues in observing the moon become so big that it will split people.They will argue and debate. Is this the 1st moon or 2nd moon they are seeing? Really, they don't have knowledge of the moon.
The problem with us is we all become our own people, which is another sign of the hour.
قال رَسُوُل اللّهِ السلام للمعرفة
Greeting people, you tell “Salaam” only to whom you know.
وقال يوشك ان تدخل مسجد
جماعة فلا ترى فيه رجلا خاشعا
Soon the time will come. When you enter a مسجد,
people pray with جمع
but no one has خشوع in the prayer. Why, because people have too many things in their mind.
And another narration
قال The Messenger of Allah صلى، يوشك ان تداعى عليكم الامم كما تداعى الاكلة على قصعتها
Very soon all the nations will come to attack you together. We are witnessing that today.
If you are a Muslim, you are not allowed to enter some countries. This is a sign of the hour. Then sahaba rly asked: أمن قلة نحن يومئذ يا رسول ا؟
Is it because we will be small in number on that day?
بل أنتم يومئذ كثير ولكنكم غثاء
No, on that day you are large in number but you will be like bubbles in a flood. Like you put Coca Cola in a glass you find bubbles fill to the top. But when it settles how much coke is it there? Nothing, The Messenger of Allah said, just like that. You will be large in number but nothing, يصيبكم الوهن
and وهن will catch you, وما الوهن
حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت
Love of this world, and heart of death.

القابض على دينه كالقابض عل
Who wants to holdfast his religion, he will be like holding a red hot coal.
It's very difficult to save the إيمان and دين and to live according to the دين.

Another حديث says

وقال نساء كاسيات عاريات
Women will be covered but uncovered. This is tight clothes & short dresses.You know this is a sign of kiyamah.
مميلات مائلات رؤوسهن كاسنمة بخة الماءلة
Women turn men to them and they also come. رءوس Their heads will be like the humps of the camel. Now it's called a hairstyle.
And also The Messenger of Allah said:
The time will fly quickly. The year will pass just just like a month.
And The Messenger of Allah speaks about his umma will follow the trends of the Christians and Jews.
He said very clearly:
لتتبعن سَنَن من كان قبلكم شبرًا بشبر وذراعًا بذراع حتى ولو سلكوا جحر ضب لسلكتموه

You will begin to follow the trends of people before you. Even if they were running to a hole of a reptile, you would run straight to the that hole.
Today look at the way we talk, the way we walk, the way we dress, the way we educate, whatever we like in this life, everything follows the trends of the west, trends of the يهود والنصار .
May Allah guide us to believe or understand to realize that we can take whatever is good. But whatever contradicts Islam, we should leave it.

Khutbah by Imam Safwan Rizvi.

Japan Halal Foundation

Prayer Schedule


October 24, 2024 (Thu)

See the Monthly Schedule


Fajr 05:10
Zuhr 12:30
Asr 03:30
Maghrib Right after azan
Isha 20:15

Friday Prayer

1st 12:00~12:25
2nd 12:35~13:00
3rd 13:10~13:35